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Kazakhstan’s achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals: 2024 plan approved

09.01.2024 11:41

As a result of the discussion, the Coordinating Council approved a plan of measures for the realization of the SDGs for 2024. Prime Minister demanded from government agencies to ensure its timely and qualitative fulfillment.

Issues of actualization of Kazakhstan’s national indicators in the field of the UN Sustainable Development Goals were discussed at the 7th meeting of the SDG Coordination Council.

Heads of central government agencies, representatives of the UN, UNDP and the European Union took part in the discussion under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov.

It was noted that today there is a need to revise the national indicators and revise the status of some of them. In particular, it is proposed to include indicators on the proportion of the population covered by immunization with all vaccines, facts of domestic violence against women, the volume of greenhouse gas emissions, etc. in the category of relevant indicators. This will improve the efficiency of work on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by Kazakhstan.

The meeting also discussed the inclusion of SDG indicators in strategic programs and documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their localization and implementation in the regions of the country.

Alikhan Smailov emphasized that the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals is aimed at improving the quality of life of the population through the introduction of the best international standards.

"Last September, the Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev took part in the UN Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals. In his speech, the President noted that achieving the SDGs is a national priority for us. Therefore, we are always open for cooperation with all Member States in the pursuit of a more equitable and sustainable world," the Prime Minister said.

He recalled that a relevant session on SDGs was also held within the framework of the International Economic Forum in Astana. In addition, seminars on localization of SDGs in certain regions were held.

As a result of the discussion, the Coordinating Council approved a plan of measures for the realization of the SDGs for 2024. Prime Minister demanded from government agencies to ensure its timely and qualitative fulfillment.

"Today we have set specific tasks that need to be consistently implemented during the year," he concluded.




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