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The 5th World Nomad Games to Take Place Under UNESCO’s Patronage

22.06.2024 11:28

The 5th World Nomad Games, set to take place in Astana, Kazakhstan, from 8 to 13 September 2024, have received UNESCO’s patronage.

The World Nomad Games (WNG) are the largest international sports competition in ethnic sports. The event is centred around the traditional games of the historically nomadic peoples of Central Asia.

According to rough estimates, at least 2,000 participants from more than 85 countries will converge in the capital of the Republic. The programme includes competitions in 20 main and 10 demonstration sports, such as equestrian events, wrestling, traditional archery, and mind games. Participation is anticipated not only from athletes but also from representatives of culture and science.

This event plays a crucial role in the preservation and development of traditional national sports and culture, while also promoting cultural diversity and dialogue between nations. As part of the programme, scientific conferences and cultural events are planned to popularise ethnocultural heritage.

The hosting of the WNG contributes to the implementation of UNESCO’s Fit for Life initiative, which aims to improve health and well-being through sport, and aligns with the goals of preserving intangible cultural heritage. It is worth noting that the WNG are already included in UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage.

Within the framework of the Games, the UNESCO Almaty Regional Office will organise a high-level international scientific and practical conference on the role of women in sports. This event will be an important component of the cultural and scientific programme of the competition, emphasising the importance of gender equality and inclusion in sports.




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