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Kazakhstan Plans to Launch 170 Investment Projects Worth $2 Billion Until Year End

23.10.2023 22:56

Enterprises for producing household appliances, special coke, and an enrichment plant for sludge processing are among them.

This year, Kazakhstan plans to launch 170 more projects worth 1 trillion tenge (US$2 billion) in investments, reported the Prime Minister’s press office on Oct. 23. This was announced at the investment headquarters meeting chaired by Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov.

Enterprises for producing household appliances, special coke, and an enrichment plant for sludge processing are among them.

According to Deputy Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development Ilyas Ospanov, over the past nine months, 1.27 trillion tenge (US$2.6 billion) of investments were injected into the fixed capital of the manufacturing industry, which is 6.4% less than in the same period last year. The target figure by the end of the year is 2.1 trillion tenge (US$4.3 billion).

The meeting participants addressed the problems of the regions, which hinder the implementation of some investment projects planned to be launched by 2027. They are related to the limitation of investors’ capital, the provision of infrastructure, the lack or delay of delivery of equipment, as well as land issues.

Addressing these challenges, Smailov instructed the Ministry of Industry and Construction to improve cooperation and coordination of the work in this direction.

Smailov noted that the Turkistan, Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan, Zhetisu Regions, and Astana show growing investment volumes.




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