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Localization of Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan was discussed in Astana

17.06.2024 20:08

On June 6, 2024, Astana held the presentation of "Glocal – Promotion of SDG Localization in Kazakhstan" project, aimed at promoting effective management and localization of SDGs through increased participation of civil society.

On June 6, 2024, Astana held the presentation of "Glocal – Promotion of SDG Localization in Kazakhstan" project, aimed at promoting effective management and localization of SDGs through increased participation of civil society.

The presentation was attended by Jamila Asanova – Executive Director of ARGO Civil Society Development Association, Johannes Baur – Head of Cooperation at the European Union Delegation to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kudaybergen Beksultanov – Deputy of Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nurgul Zhannazarova – Director of the Department for Development of Social Sphere, Law Enforcement and Special Bodies under MNE RK, Gulbara Sultanova – Chairman of the Committee on Civil Society Affairs, MCI RK, Eldar Idiyatov – project manager of UNDP in Kazakhstan, representatives of civil society and local executive bodies and others.

Johannes Baur expressed readiness to support Kazakhstan in implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. He also shared that EU will continue to strengthen resilience at all levels, promote sustainable development and universal prosperity during implementation of the Global Gateway strategy and other projects.

In her speech, N. Zhannazarova spoke about ongoing work of the Government to promote SDGs at the national and regional levels, as well as about new State Planning System in Kazakhstan, which requires inclusion of target indicators of UN Sustainable Development Goals in SPS documents.

In particular, she noted importance and necessity of a responsible role of local executive bodies in localizing SDGs, as well as conducting systematic and consistent work locally.

This meeting served as a platform where participants discussed the launch of GLocal project and its benefits in introducing effective model of a territorial approach to local development through localization of SDGs. The project will implement effective model of a territorial approach to local development by localizing SDGs in two pilot territories – Karkaraly in the Karagandy region and Kamystybas village in the Kyzylorda region with further expansion to other Kazakhstan regions.




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